21 August 2009

Oh. My. DANG

My friend Kara just introduced me to this thing called Take Away Shows. Basically, the organizer invites different bands to play in weird places - alley ways, restaurants, streets, etc. Most of the videos seem to be in Paris. He connects them to a microphone and achieves the most amazing sound quality. What you see them singing in the video is what they're singing right then. Phenomenal. So so many of the bands are ones I love: Bon Iver, Guillemots, Vampire Weekend (the audio on "Kids Don't Stand A Chance" is unreal!) Sufjan Stephens, The Kooks, and Jason Mraz even did a few videos (which truly showcase his talent. Sometimes I write him off, but then I remember his concert I went to years back...the guy can sing).

Two of them you must absolutely, absolutely watch. Absolutely.

First one is Arcade Fire. No joke, they get in an elevator and one guy is ripping pages out of a magazine to create...just an awesome cohesive sound. This video is particularly long, but worth it. Did I mention they were IN an ELEVATOR?!


AND! If you've seen the Where the Wild Things Are trailer and wondered what that awesome song was, they perform it at the end of the video. If you just want to watch that part (don't be lame watch the whole video) you can jump to about 8:50 right before they start. Sigh, I would have loved to have been there. I have it playing in the background right now. So. Good!

The second that you must see is Sigur Ros. And if you've never heard anything by Sigor Ros....it's like you're experiencing something spiritual. They're an Icelandic band and it's just too beautiful to describe. I, mm, honestly just love Sigur Ros. Que belle!

Sigur Ros - ViĆ° spilum endalaust - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.


So, let me just make it easy on you: Take Away Shows: All Artists Personally, I think you should view the French side of the website, but I just like French, so don't stress yourself out trying to translate things.

I hope that link works. If it doesn't, google "take away shows"

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