Occassionally I start blog hopping and find myself on complete strangers' blogs with no idea how I got there. Sometime earlier this year I happened across www.mycharmingkids.net (still not sure how). But I read for a while and really came to respect MckMama, as she calls herself, in that little bit of time. She probably has more than several thousand readers everyday (one news site she had a link to said over 100,000). At any rate, big time blogger; part of their family's income is provided from it. I say "that's awesome": she gets to stay at home with her kids during the day, and makes money on the side doing something she enjoys, photography and blogging.
Anyways. Today I saw someone's status on facebook that said "Pray for Stellan." I don't think I've looked at her blog since that first week I was reading it, but I remembered her youngest child's name, Stellan, and the things they were struggling with at the time. Stellan was diagnosed with SVT in utero. I don't understand all of it, but it's a complicated heart issue that should have gone away before he was born. It didn't. And he's spent the first year of his life in and out of hospital. So upon seeing the status update, I looked up her blog and saw the news. Stellan was back in the hospital, worse than ever before. In theory, the surgeons wanted to wait until he was 4 before doing surgery because it's complicated and so risky with a little heart. They weren't even supposed to go into surgery today because he needed to be off his heart medicine for at least two days prior.
However, Stellan's SVT was out of control. He flatlined in his hospital bed this morning. There was a 20% chance they would have a successful surgery today (successful being that he wouldn't need a pace-maker and be dependent on it for the rest of his life).
I'm just telling you, as the tears roll, that God answers prayers in a big way. It was a completely successful surgery, and so far there's no sign of the SVT starting up again.
I don't know why God heals some and not others. My roommate was in Houston for her cousin's funeral today. Sometimes I wish I understood...
He's done a miracle today, made possible what few thought would happen for years. Stellan is SVT free. And MckMama, bless her heart, is giving him the praise and glory, for all 100,000+ or - who read her blog. If you're interested in keeping up with their story/Stellan's progress, I'm adding a link in the blog list to the right.
And pray for Josh's family. He's a little boy in my Lambs Sunday school class. I don't know the details, but another parent stopped me at church yesterday and said that it was a SERIOUS-serious medical condition. Your prayers are coveted, friends.
1 day ago
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