03 February 2009

Bear With Me

First, you know what rocks? Waking up and having flowers blooming right next to my bed. I mean RIGHT next to my pillow. Love it! Doesn't matter that I bought them myself, it is a glorious gift of God to wake up and be face-to-face with His majesty. He designed each and every one of them, knowing that I would buy them and put them next to my bed and be filled with a simple joy because I know they came from his hand. So neat! You know what else I love? I was just trying to remember the name of the flowers (Alstroemeria) and the common name is Peruvian Lily! If you know me at all, you should know that lilies are my favorite flowers. I've always called them by their Latin name and always loved them but never bought them, so it only fits that they're called Peruvian lilies.

Secondly, after J-L Poisson's encounter with June Bug, he is doing perfectly fine. His little body is so intricately formed...it's fascinating to watch him.

Thirdly, I love Bethany Dillon. I think she has some really wonderful songs. If I bought music, instead of listening to Pandora all day long, I would buy her album "Sing Over Me: Worship Songs & Lullabies." Some of my favorite songs are on that album I think.

Fourthly, I have been so convicted over my attitude lately. This could be an entire, long post in and of itself. I want to love others and be a woman full of grace and peace, love and encouragement. I've been working on this, or rather God has been working on this in me. It's not fun, but I've realized that I use sarcasm too often with intentions other than trying to be funny. I absolutely use it as a defense mechanism...Or maybe it's offensive...whatever it is, I use it to keep people out and sometimes I make a preemptive strike. I don't want to do it all. But while God is working this out in me, please have patience. It is amazing how quickly I get uncomfortable not having sarcasm as a sword or shield and I tend to revert back to it when I reach a certain point. These changes are progressive...

Lastly (maybe), I have really been trying to define what the heart of a servant should look like. I've realized that being a servant means giving up certain comforts and wishes. It also means giving our all in whatever we do. If I'm waking up a little earlier to help out with 3 year olds, then I need to be committed to being there with my whole heart doing whatever I can to help out the teacher as well as teach the kids about Christ. (Not saying I do this, I'm usually checking the clock every 8 minutes). Or if I'm helping someone on a one-time basis then I need to work as though I'm being paid the very highest amount possible and not make a half-assed effort. Someone really ticked me off the other day when they did a really poor job on something and their excuse was "If they want free labor, they're going to get free labor." No! No, I re-did their job and tried to do the very best I could without spending too much time thinking ill of them. It deserves everything that we can pour into it because we're representing the hands and feet of Christ. Don't do something in God's name and do it half-way. No! Do it with joy in your heart knowing that you are administering God's love to someone who needs it. Do it knowing that you're not serving just another person, you're serving the King of kings and Lord of lords. Leave your selfish motivations at the door, stop looking for recognition. Get your heart right and then get involved. And THAT, taking ownership and investing in the church and becoming part of the body, is something that needs to be addressed. Honestly...I don't even know where to start so I'll leave it while I think about it. But people can't complain about a group if they're not willing to commit to it and do something about it. No whining if you're not willing to make changes, myself included.

And now, I will hop off my little horse which is standing on its little box and go to bed.


Ryan Renfrow said...

You make me smile. Especially your last sentence. I too have a little horse on a little box and I shouldn't be on top of him as much as I am. Thanks for the smile.

Emily said...

I'm glad I make you smile. I love smiling. It's my favorite.
(Buy you coffee next time I ever see you if you can guess that movie reference w/o cheating)

Ryan Renfrow said...

Elf. I own two copies of that movie. And I hope it's the World's Best Cup of Coffee.

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